26 - 30 Nov 2025, Olympia London

Steph Elswood

Steph Elswood

26 year old Steph Elswood is a famous Instagram Star, who was born in the United Kingdom. 

She started using Instagram in 2015 as part of her recovery from an eating disorder. She shared her meals each day to prove to herself that food was not the enemy. She regained her confidence and at the same time fell in love with cooking. 

Steph has expanded her Instagram page to include positive messages that are not just about food, but are also about health, fitness (a bit of fashion) and the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. 

Her style of cooking is very quick, simple and easy to follow and she's a firm believer that delicious, nutrient dense food doesn’t have to take hours to prepare! 

She promotes plant-based food and loves to share her tips and tricks online with her 242k followers.





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